Dhoom 3 Full Movie With English Subtitles

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← DHOOM 3 - Hindi Movies 2013 Full Movie - English Subtitles - Official

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Showing Revision 1 created 03/03/2014 by Amara Bot.

  1. but there are two government
    agencies in these two countries...
  2. that are at war every day...
    every moment...
  3. India's RAW and Pakistan's ISI.
  4. The common man does not get
    any news about these agencies...
  5. because in the name
    of national security
  6. all information is forever guarded.
  7. But there are some stories that
    escape these walls and office files.
  8. This is the story that shook...
  9. ...the very foundations
    of this secretive world.
  10. This is the story of
  11. Tiger...
  12. Goodbye...
  13. Tiger?
  14. Hello... hello...
    Those people are here.
  15. I told you they would find me!
  16. They found me!
  17. You've kept me here for over a
    month... now get me out of here!
  18. Tell me quickly...
    what should I do? Tell me... okay...
  19. I'll get there... you get there too!
  20. You're panting like a dog...
    how much do you smoke?
  21. I can't believe you sold
    out to them, Rabinder...
  22. How much did the ISI pay?
  23. Tiger... how much does
    the government job pay us?
  24. What is the going price
    for buying agents these days?
  25. It's a lot, Tiger! Trust me...
    there is a lot of money!
  26. Should be... after all you
    sold information to the ISI...
  27. the guys who kill our
    agents almost every day.
  28. So? Even we smash those guys.
  29. How many ISI men have you
    killed in your career alone?
  30. This is a game, Tiger...
    we are the smallest pawns in it.
  31. Please understand...
  32. I'll show you...
  33. Look at this, Tiger!
  34. Just see... will RAW
    ever give us this?
  35. Just see this, Tiger...
  36. This is... almost two months' salary.
  37. What good is it, Tiger?
  38. One fine day we'll end up dead...
    in some obscure part of the world...
  39. and no one will come
    to claim our bodies.
  40. Come with me, Tiger...
    there's a lot of money to be made...
  41. there's nothing in all these issues.
  42. Sorry, Rabinder...
  43. you will have to come with me...
  44. I'm not going, Tiger!
  45. I won't go with you...
    I'm telling you, I won't.
  46. Alive...
  47. or dead.
  48. He's back!
  49. The hero returns...
  50. He has shown up after many days.
  51. Hey, look... He's back again...
  52. Why are you so happy?
  53. I'm not happy. I'm just telling you.
  54. Look at his face...
  55. He must have been in a brawl.
  56. He goes missing for months...
  57. how can you even think of getting him
    married to our dear Bablee?
  58. Why are you staring at him?
  59. I'm not staring at him.
  60. Do your exercise!
  61. But what does he do?
  62. How the hell should I know?
  63. But he's a Grade 1 officer.
  64. Hello, sonny... it's nine already...
  65. ...let me give you a
    lift to the office.
  66. Thank you, Mr Bagga.
  67. Come...
  68. I had a briefing
    with Mr Shenoy at nine.
  69. Oh... Mr Shenoy is extremely punctual.
  70. Sir... Rabinder was kept
    near Iraq's Northern border...
  71. I had information that the
    ISI might move him any time.
  72. We caught him at the right time.
  73. Good Job, Tiger.
  74. Thank you, Sir...
  75. As usual...
  76. Submit the full report to Tiwari.
  77. Yes, Sir.
  78. Tiger...
    - Yes, Sir?
  79. Your face is badly bruised.
  80. Why don't you go on
    leave and rest for a bit?
  81. Sir... I'll be fine
    in a couple of days...
  82. Why do I need to go on leave?
  83. You've been on assignments
    back to back for 12 years now.
  84. That's way too long.
  85. Don't tempt fate.
  86. Sir, one fine day I'll find
    myself posted to a desk job,
  87. reading files... just like you do.
  88. Alright...
  89. as soon as you look normal again
  90. you can leave for
    your next assignment.
  91. Where, Sir?
  92. Why don't you treat me
    to your famous daal...
  93. then I'll find you an
    enemy in a new country.
  94. Done, Sir.
  95. Sir... I often get this feeling that
  96. you hired me at RAW
    purely for my cooking skills.
  97. You're right...
    for your cooking skills...
  98. and your insanity.
  99. How do you live like this, Tiger?
  100. This decade old furniture,
  101. no pictures or books or anything?
  102. Your salary has been lying untouched
  103. in the agency's salary
    account for the last 8 years...
  104. why?
  105. How can I spend when I'm never here?
  106. I have been
    traveling all over the world
  107. for the past 12 years
    on government funds.
  108. Wow... how much have you saved?
  109. About 2.3 million...
  110. But your money will rot
    in the agency's bank...
  111. No, Sir... the day I retire from
    this job... I'll blow it all up.
  112. Why didn't you ever have a girlfriend?
  113. Sir, how could I have one?
  114. Firstly I'm never here... and
    secondly this goddamn job...
  115. What's wrong with the job?
  116. Sir... we have no
    answers when someone asks
  117. What do you do?
  118. I'm in the civil service...
  119. What exactly is your job?
    I'm in administration...
  120. What is your duty?
  121. Government duty...
    - But what do you do?
  122. Nothing as of now...
  123. Sir... sometimes I feel
    like screaming and saying...
  124. I'm a spy... a RAW Agent!!
  125. Spy... Secret Agent!!
  126. I'm James Bond!!
  127. Sir... I still have time...
    what about you...
  128. why didn't you ever get married?
  129. When I was young...
    I was a bit of a poet...
  130. and poets don't settle for arranged
    marriages... they look for love.
  131. Did you find love, Sir?
  132. Yes... I did... once...
  133. Wow!
  134. Who was she, Sir?
  135. Well... she was this
    sweet simple girl...
  136. When I met her... I wanted
    to live my life only for her.
  137. And then?
  138. Then... my goddamn duty got in the way
  139. And you chose your duty over love?
  140. Of course... isn't that
    what we're trained for?
  141. But do you ever regret it, Sir?
  142. Every day, Tiger... every single day.
  143. Hello... yes, Nambiar.
  144. Right, right... thank you.
  145. It seems we've found
    you your next mission.
  146. Cheers, Sir!
  147. Between India and Pakistan...
  148. only India has an
    anti-missile system that
  149. can stop incoming Pakistani
    missiles to a large extent.
  150. And one man has played a
    big role in developing it...
  151. Professor Anwar Jamaal Kidwai...
  152. a scientist who is well
    known all over the world...
  153. but he's a maverick...
    that's why he quit his government job
  154. and started teaching at the famous
    Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.
  155. But for the last few months
    we suspect that Professor Kidwai
  156. has been sharing his research
    findings with other scientists...
  157. who could be working for the
    Pakistan defence establishment.
  158. So I must stop him?
  159. No, Tiger... like I said,
    we only suspect him.
  160. All you need to do is observe him.
  161. Tiger...
  162. Please don't kill anyone here.
  163. Right, Sir...
  164. Every mission of yours...
    someone gets killed.
  165. Please just observe him... okay?
  166. Okay, Sir.
  167. Professor Kidwai...
    what an honour to meet you.
  168. I park there every day...
    it's my spot.
  169. Sure, Sir.
  170. Professor Kidwai...
  171. Professor! Professor Kidwai?
  172. No time, no time.
  173. Pleasure meeting you
  174. Good afternoon, Professor Kidwai!
  175. Hello!
  176. Professor... I have to speak
    with you about something important.
  177. Sorry, I've got to feed the dog.
  178. After feeding doggy?
  179. I won't take too much of your time...
  180. Sorry!
  181. This professor is a nutcase.
  182. Professor... Professor...
  183. Professor... I won't
    take up too much time.
  184. Sorry... got to take Rocket out.
  185. Shall I wait here?
  186. Rocket!
  187. Rocket!
  188. There's one girl who has
    access to the professor's house...
  189. a British girl of
    Indian origin... Zoya.
  190. A student of Trinity
    Dance Academy for a year now.
  191. And a part-time
    caretaker of his house.
  192. Get out! You really cannot be here.
  193. Sorry. I'm sorry. Relax...
    I really didn't mean to. Excuse...
  194. Will you please leave!
  195. You're still here?
  196. Yes... waiting for the mad professor.
  197. Next time ring the bell...
    or I'll get you arrested.
  198. Sorry, Miss...
  199. Does he know you?
  200. No... I have come from India.
  201. It's difficult to say
    when he'll be back...
  202. This is his house, right?
  203. Yes... but he goes for
    long walks with Rocket.
  204. Hope he hasn't gone to London.
  205. I've just come from there...
    I could have met him there.
  206. I'm sorry... he's troubled me all day.
  207. Very funny.
  208. Excuse me...
    I don't know anyone here...
  209. is there a hotel around somewhere?
  210. They're on my way... come on.
  211. We've not been introduced as yet...
  212. I'm Zoya... Friends call me Zee.
  213. I'm Manish Chandra...
    My friends call me Doordarshan.
  214. What?
  215. Zee... Doordarshan?
  216. That was a terrible joke.
  217. Sorry... it was seriously rotten.
  218. Check this one.
  219. Excuse me... do you have any rooms?
  220. Yes I believe we do, Sir...
  221. Thank you. Looking very lovely today.
  222. Thank you.
  223. No rooms.
  224. Try here.
  225. Good evening.
  226. Good evening, Sir...
  227. Can I help you?
  228. My name is Manish Chandra.
  229. Nice to meet you.
    - Thank you.
  230. This hotel is over-booked.
  231. Okay... listen... my hostel is here...
  232. but there are a couple of hotels
    ahead... try them if you like.
  233. Sure... thank you.
  234. Not from there... come this way...
  235. Which way?
  236. Climb the pipe...
  237. This pipe?
  238. It's wet... slippery.
  239. Wait... I'll get something for you...
  240. Okay...
  241. Take this.
  242. How?
  243. I've got a good grip.
  244. Okay... give me 100 Euros...
  245. A hundred Euros?
  246. What exactly do you do?
  247. Do you want to sleep
    in that room or not?
  248. My friend stays there, but she
    is out of town... hundred Euros?
  249. But 100 Euros is a lot...
    that's more expensive than hotels.
  250. Okay... then sleep on the bench.
  251. Okay, okay... but...
  252. can you take it yourself...
    inside the jacket pocket.
  253. Thanks.
    - Welcome
  254. What do you do?
  255. Me?
  256. I'm a writer.
  257. What's your business
    with the Professor?
  258. I'm writing a book on
    the finest Indian minds...
  259. and Professor Kidwai
    happens to be one of them.
  260. So, you're here to
    interview the professor?
  261. If you interview me later,
    that will be a huge help.
  262. Yes... why are you
    standing on that pipe?
  263. Go ahead... good night.
  264. What?
  265. Can you cook?
  266. Not bad... for an Indian man.
  267. Are you married?
  268. Straightaway marriage? Won't you
    ask me first if I have a girlfriend?
  269. No... I think you're old
    enough to be married now.
  270. No... I'm not married yet.
  271. Why?
  272. I don't get to meet nice girls.
  273. What are you looking for, Mr. Writer?
  274. Nothing much...
  275. Just a sweet simple girl...
  276. Someone who'd make me
    want to live only for her.
  277. Wow... very romantic...
  278. but you're a bit of a
    bumpkin when it comes to style.
  279. Really? This is the first
    time someone has called me that.
  280. What? A bumpkin?
  281. No... romantic.
  282. And you've been
    called a bumpkin before?
  283. No... that's a first as well.
  284. Good night Mr Writer.
    - Good night, Zoya.
  285. The 100 Euros were for
    this pass... a play that
  286. I'm going to choreograph...
    Professor Kidwai sponsors it.
  287. Your breakfast, Sir.
  288. Excuse me... can you puncture
    the yellow and make it solid?
  289. Okay. - Thank you
  290. What happened?
  291. Aren't you a little
    fussy when it comes to food?
  292. Maybe a little.
  293. So you want to spend some
    time with Professor Kidwai?
  294. Yes... so that I get
    to know him better.
  295. I'll try to speak to him...
  296. come to his house tomorrow morning.
  297. But I can't promise anything.
  298. No problem.
  299. Just the way you like it, Sir.
  300. Thank you.
  301. And here's the cheque.
  302. Whenever you are ready.
  303. I hope you don't mind if I leave
    you alone with your punctured eggs.
  304. I'm getting late for my
    play rehearsal. See you later.
  305. You pay the bill... why should I?
  306. Yes, of course...
  307. you keep puncturing eggs to eat them
  308. and make the Indian
    government pay for it.
  309. Manish Chandra...
    isn't that a boring name?
  310. I wanted a boring name...
  311. should sound like a
    decent guy... right?
  312. Look at her gorgeous hair... fire!
  313. Okay 'decent guy', listen...
  314. you'll have to get
    close to the professor now.
  315. I'm thinking... people
    here are so honest...
  316. they don't even bolt their doors...
  317. I should barge into
    the professor's house
  318. and just run off with his computer.
  319. Oh, no...
  320. Shenoy Sir has clearly
    instructed we don't need his computer
  321. All we need to do is keep
    an eye on what he does...
  322. who he meets... who he speaks to...
  323. The Professor is a nutcase...
  324. I'm thinking of entering his
    house with the girl's help...
  325. she's calling me tomorrow morning.
  326. Good plan.
  327. Is he there?
  328. Maybe...
  329. Sir, I'm writing a book on
    the finest Indian minds...
  330. I'm just a mad scientist...
  331. at least this is what the
    Indian Government thinks...
  332. No, Sir... you are being modest.
  333. Okay... if you insist.
  334. Tell me what will I have to do?
  335. Sir, I want to spend the
    maximum time possible with you.
  336. It will be good for the book.
  337. For example, when you
    make your morning notes...
  338. then I can be with you
    when you leave for college...
  339. I can be with you in your
    office observing your work...
  340. seeing your research...
  341. We can talk in your house
    when you come back home...
  342. just observe you and be around you,
    Sir... like a constant companion.
  343. Mr Chandra, are you here to
    write a book on me or to marry me?
  344. Zoya, why does this damn Rocket
    launch himself when he sees me?
  345. Hey... don't say that...
    Rocket is very sweet.
  346. But he keeps barking at me.
  347. That's because you swore at him.
  348. Hey... but I said it in front of you.
  349. Don't you like dogs?
  350. No... I do like them.
  351. Good.
  352. Zoya... your hostel.
  353. Yes... bye.
  354. Zoya... do you want to...
  355. like... have dinner?
  356. Mr. Writer... are you
    asking me out on a date?
  357. Date?
  358. No... I mean... we can have a meal...
  359. I'm going out with my friends tonight.
  360. Join us... I'll let you pay the bill.
  361. Sure.
  362. But I hope you won't
    turn up like this?
  363. Like what?
  364. You know... dressed like a bumpkin.
  365. Just get a little cooler...
  366. Keep your foot behind that line.
  367. Hey, everybody!!
  368. Guys listen... this is my
    friend Manish... he's from India.
  369. Hey Manish, it's your turn...
  370. Have you ever thrown darts?
  371. Hello...
  372. Dude... all three hit bull's-eye!
  373. Are you a writer or James Bond?
  374. I know... I know...
    won't happen again.
  375. This girl is
    affecting you, my friend...
  376. Don't be silly...
    it's a part of my job.
  377. Fine... and don't drink too much.
  378. Okay... mummy dear... bye
  379. Oh, so sweet... was that
    your mother on the line?
  380. Come on, guys... we're
    going to Mike's party.
  381. Do you wanna come?
    - No, no...
  382. Come on, ya... it will be fun...
  383. No... you enjoy... you go.
  384. You guys carry on...
    I'll see you later.
  385. Okay, bye! Cheers!
  386. Bye!
  387. Hey, but please don't
    stay because of me...
  388. Why? Now you don't
    want to pay for my dinner?
  389. No, not Ree... Dee...
  390. Ta-ng-dee
  391. Tang-Ree
  392. Tang... Tang-dee...
  393. That's what I said... Tang-ree
  394. Do as I say... bend
    your tongue upwards
  395. and touch it to the roof of
    your mouth... like this...
  396. and now hit your front two
    Bugs Bunny teeth with it... Dee!
  397. Ree...
  398. Dee...
    - Tang-dee... - Correct!
  399. See... right?
  400. Now place the order...
    - Okay...
  401. Two... Tang-ree kebabs
  402. Go ahead, my friend...
    get Tang-ree kebabs...
  403. No problem, Sir.
  404. You know what?
    You don't look like a writer.
  405. For example...
  406. your hands...
    they are not like a writer's...
  407. they're cut and
    bruised like a wrestler's.
  408. Why did you become a writer?
  409. Just followed my heart.
  410. Very few people follow
    their hearts... you're lucky.
  411. The most important
    thing for an agent is...
  412. that he should use his
    head and not his heart.
  413. The day you follow your heart,
    consider yourself dead.
  414. I admire a man who follows his heart.
  415. Tang-dee kabab for you, Sir...
  416. and ma'am... for you Tang-ree...
  417. What the hell, Gopi...
    you kept coughing...
  418. what if she saw you...
    I've reached... I'll call you back.
  419. But Tiger... he could
    have been a burglar.
  420. No, Gopi...
  421. the way he attacked me...
    he was obviously trained.
  422. Someone is reacting on
    seeing me with the Professor.
  423. Boss, things are not good here.
  424. We'll have to wrap this up quickly.
  425. That's why we're here.
  426. How's this?
  427. What will you do with it?
  428. It's a gift.
  429. And it's a gift for whom?
  430. For Zoya... to say thank you.
  431. Wow, Tiger!
  432. You've used people all over
    the world and discarded them
  433. since when have you
    started saying thank you?
  434. Gopi... this is a
    different sort of a mission...
  435. here it's important to say thank you.
  436. Which mission?
  437. Ours? Or have you
    started another mission?
  438. Stop your nonsense and tell
    me what you think of this.
  439. Isn't this too personal?
  440. What?
  441. I mean... do you know her that
    well that you can give her a dress?
  442. I'm giving her a dress...
    not taking it off.
  443. Tiger... you've never bought a gift...
  444. ...for a girl ever in
    your life... have you?
  445. Never.
  446. Then what's going on here?
  447. What?
  448. Hey... it's extremely important
    to woo Zoya for this mission.
  449. What?
  450. Don't get wooed
    yourself in the process.
  451. Hi, Zoya...
  452. Hi...
  453. Hope you're not busy?
  454. Lighting design for the show...
  455. is that gift for me?
  456. Yes.
  457. Really? Is it really for me?
  458. Yes... but honestly this is the
    first time I've given a gift to a girl.
  459. In these matters I'm a bit of a...
    like you say... bumpkin.
  460. That's really sweet of you...
    can I open it now? - Yes.
  461. How do you know that...
  462. Your room had so many
    things with stars and stuff?
  463. You don't like it?
  464. No, Manish... I really like it...
  465. Then why are you crying?
  466. It reminds me of someone...
  467. Hey, Zoya, do you want to
    give me the spotlight cue?
  468. Yes, sure... just give me one second.
  469. Okay, switch on track number 9...
    I'll show you the path.
  470. One second...
  471. Will you help me? I can't do it alone.
  472. But I don't know how to dance.
  473. No one is asking you to dance.
  474. Just hold me and follow me.
  475. Oh... come on.
  476. Manish...
  477. Music is over.
  478. What happened?
  479. My head is spinning.
  480. Wanderer... Wanderer
  481. My heart's a wanderer
  482. From the moment I saw her
  483. My heart became a wanderer
  484. Neither awake nor asleep
  485. My heart's a wanderer
  486. When she smiles
  487. I forget everything
  488. See... My heart has gone wayward
  489. Wanderer... Wanderer
  490. For her melodies
  491. My heart became a wanderer
  492. Wanderer... Wanderer
  493. For her melodies
  494. My heart became a wanderer
  495. She breezes gently past my heart
  496. Her words are a mystery to me
  497. When she laughs...
    colourful butterflies take flight
  498. It's like being struck by lightning
  499. I have surrendered my heart
  500. Wanderer... Wanderer
  501. For her melodies
  502. My heart became a wanderer
  503. Her words cast a magical spell
  504. Her words cast a magical spell
  505. Her eyes are an artist's delight
  506. I've dreamt a hundred dreams about her
  507. And still I'm restless to see her
  508. I would give up the world for her
  509. Wanderer... Wanderer
  510. For her melodies
  511. My heart became a wanderer
  512. Wanderer... Wanderer
  513. For her melodies
  514. My heart became a wanderer
  515. What are you doing?
  516. What am I doing?
  517. Were you just dancing?
  518. Dancing?
  519. Are you crazy? Who was dancing?
  520. Forget the girl...
    get Rocket. Let's go.
  521. One damned dog has made
    a kitten out of Tiger.
  522. Bloody mouse!
  523. Zoya... will you come
    out with me tonight?
  524. Why are you running?
    - Because you're on a cycle.
  525. What happened?
  526. Can we meet tonight?
  527. Tonight?
  528. Tonight... tonight is very important.
  529. Mr. Writer... so you are
    asking me out on a date?
  530. Yes, Zoya Zee...
  531. When and where?
  532. Central Park... at 11 sharp...
  533. At 11?
  534. 11 p.m. Is very important.
  535. Okay.
  536. Rocket?
  537. Hey!
  538. Don't misbehave with elders!
  539. Hey... if you bite me
    your teeth will break.
  540. Good boy, Rocket...
  541. Good boy, Rocket... good boy...
  542. Good boy, Rocket...
  543. Hi...
  544. Have you got Professor
    Kidwai for the date as well?
  545. I told you I'd get you to be
    friends with Rocket... see...
  546. it's done... now
    he'll never bark at you.
  547. Zoya Zee... come, I want
    to show you something...
  548. Come Rocket, come, come.
  549. What?
  550. How sweet... so you
    called me here to see this?
  551. Such a meteor shower happens
    only once in 20-25 years...
  552. do you know when the
    last such shower was?
  553. 16th June 1991...
  554. at 11:55...
  555. I was 6 years old...
  556. my father had an old Willy's jeep...
  557. we would drive out of the city...
  558. to see stars...
  559. He would tell me that watching stars
  560. makes people happy...
  561. because all your loved ones
    eventually become stars in the sky...
  562. and bless us from up there.
  563. As a child I used to
    enjoy hearing such stories.
  564. Zee, where is your father?
  565. Which one?
  566. That one...
  567. Wow... right next to my father.
  568. What was your father's name?
  569. Nazar Jung...
  570. Nazar, Sir...
  571. What shall I hide from you...
  572. you are seeing
    everything from there...
  573. after all, your name means sight.
  574. Honestly... I'm a little
    slow in certain matters...
  575. I think that's why your
    daughter calls me a bumpkin.
  576. Honestly... I want to convey
    something to your daughter...
  577. but I don't know how to...
  578. So, Mr Nazar, what should I do
    according to you... any tips?
  579. Manish...
  580. What do you want to tell me?
  581. Hey, caveman...
  582. Is everything alright?
  583. I need a drink.
  584. What the hell are you saying?
  585. Can't people like us fall in love?
  586. Of course we can...
    but not on a mission.
  587. When are we not on a mission?
  588. And do we have a life
    beyond these missions or not?
  589. Mission!
  590. Is Zoya also?
  591. Zoya likes that
    writer Manish Chandra...
  592. I am neither Manish...
    nor am I a writer...
  593. who am I?
  594. I've changed so many names
  595. that I don't even remember
    what my parents named me.
  596. What are you saying, Tiger?
  597. Tiger... Tiger... Tiger...
  598. Shenoy Sir called me that once...
  599. and now everyone calls me that.
  600. Tiger is a name meant for dogs.
  601. I warned you... in
    an attempt to woo her
  602. don't get wooed
    yourself in the process.
  603. Say thank you now...
  604. Should I tell you something...
  605. You've chosen a nice
    girl (sister-in-law)...
  606. It's five in the morning...
    get some sleep...
  607. it's her play in the evening.
  608. Sorry...
  609. Sorry...
  610. Excuse me?
  611. In ten minutes you've
    destroyed half of Dublin...
  612. and that agent got away too...
    what the hell are you doing, Tiger?
  613. What else could I have
    done in that situation?
  614. And that guy would have come
    to know that I'm not a writer.
  615. Not just him... the whole town
    will know you're not a writer.
  616. Where will the Professor be right now?
  617. Must be watching the play...
    what else?
  618. Do one thing... you go there...
  619. ...you'll stay safe
    from the police as well.
  620. I'll speak to Shenoy Sir on a
    secure line and then call you.
  621. Alright.
    - Keep your phone on... - Alright.
  622. And listen... get your face fixed.
  623. Yes... I'll do that.
  624. And listen... keep this.
  625. Anything else?
  626. Not at all... after
    destroying everything...
  627. You please go ahead and enjoy
    the play with dear sister-in-law.
  628. Yes, Gopi?
  629. Tiger... there's some
    activity at the Professor's house.
  630. But the Professor is here.
  631. That's what I'm saying...
    you head there...
  632. there seems to be some trouble.
    - Oh, shit!
  633. Put your hands behind your head...
  634. turn around...
  635. slowly.
  636. Zoya...
  637. But you were at the play?
  638. What business do you
    have with the Professor?
  639. So, you're here to
    interview the Professor?
  640. What do you do?
  641. You don't look like a writer.
  642. Oh my God!
  643. So you want to spend some
    time with Professor Kidwai?
  644. Agent...
  645. ISI... right?
  646. Get up...
  647. Sit down.
  648. You're an agent...
  649. and clearly a very good one at that...
  650. so you must be aware...
  651. of what we do in such situations...
  652. still... I'll tell you...
  653. you have two options...
  654. either you work with us...
  655. and give us all the information...
  656. or...
  657. I'll have to... right here...
  658. I will not betray my country...
  659. So that leaves me
    with just one choice...
  660. and for you too.
  661. My name is not Manish...
  662. and I'm not a writer...
  663. besides these two things...
  664. everything I told you was true.
  665. All I want to know from you is...
  666. what I saw in your eyes...
  667. was that a lie too?
  668. I was just doing my job...
  669. and nothing else.
  670. Tiger... you end up killing
    someone on every assignment...
  671. we didn't want this
    on this assignment.
  672. Sir, the situation
    was really bad there...
  673. it was either me or their agent.
  674. Police found their agent's body...
  675. I hope you haven't left any trails?
  676. No, Sir... and I retrieved
    the hard disk as well...
  677. I've submitted it to Joshi.
  678. File your report as well.
  679. Tiger...
  680. Are you ready for
    your next assignment?
  681. Sir... I'm slightly
    tired of field operations.
  682. If you deem it fit...
  683. you can assign me to a
    desk job for a few days.
  684. I'm Zoya... friends call me Zee.
  685. I'm Manish Chandra.
  686. My friends call me Doordarshan.
  687. Touch it to the roof of
    your mouth and hit it... Dee!
  688. Ree!
  689. Dee.
  690. Tang-dee...
    - Correct?
  691. Right?
  692. Now place the order.
  693. Very few people have the
    courage to follow their heart
  694. You are lucky.
  695. Hey, sonny!
  696. Yes, Mr. Bagga?
  697. Working hard? Where are
    you planning to go now?
  698. Nowhere, Mr. Bagga...
    Nothing is happening.
  699. Come... let me drop you home then.
  700. Sure, let's go.
    - Come
  701. You know, sonny...
  702. the UN Foreign Ministers' meeting
    is about to take place in Istanbul.
  703. And we've intercepted a message that
  704. the Pakistani delegates are likely
    to raise the Kashmir issue again.
  705. Ever since then...
  706. Mr. Shenoy has asked me to
    monitor every known Pakistani source.
  707. And for the past 20 days these
    random messages have messed up my mind.
  708. To make things worse... they have set
    their codes based on our film stars.
  709. Tell me, who is supposed to be
    Mallika Sherawat in the government?
  710. I understand if they say
    Gulshan Grover or Amrish Puri.
  711. And not just films... they are
    now into television as well.
  712. One message has been intercepted
    every day for the past 20 days.
  713. That Zee TV will
    surely cover the conference,
  714. but will Doordarshan also be there?
  715. I just don't get it... what's
    their connection with Doordarshan?
  716. Who watches Doordarshan in any case?
  717. Mr. Bagga, I want to
    see those intercepts now!
  718. See... I intercept all this every day.
  719. Sonny... what are you
    looking for? You need my help?
  720. You asked for a desk assignment...
  721. So why do you want to go
    to Istanbul all of a sudden?
  722. Sir, you know that there are more spies
    than diplomats in these conferences.
  723. Sir, there will be officials
    from all over the world...
  724. Sir, it's a gold mine of
    intelligence information.
  725. How can I miss this, Sir?
  726. Okay, Tiger... pull out your
    suits and let's go to Istanbul!
  727. Expectations are high as the
    Indian and Pakistan Foreign Ministers...
  728. On the sidelines of the UN Foreign
    Ministers' Meeting at Istanbul...
  729. It is anticipated that the
    Indian and Pakistan foreign ministers
  730. may have an informal meeting.
  731. This is good news for the bilateral
    relations of the two countries.
  732. Get out of here... my
    people will arrive soon.
  733. Go...
  734. Go!
  735. Bored?
  736. Hey... who are you?
  737. Don't worry, I'm a friend of her's.
  738. Drive towards the Old Town.
  739. Old Town... okay?
  740. Okay.
  741. Why have you called me here, Zoya?
  742. Tell me, Zoya.
  743. It was very easy for you
    to put a gun to my head
  744. and tell me that you
    love me... wasn't it?
  745. As simple as that?
  746. If the gun was in your hand...
  747. I would have still
    said the same thing.
  748. It's not as easy as you think...
  749. the other agent who you killed...
  750. Feroz... he was also right there.
  751. A girl... whose training and duty
    forbids her from falling in love...
  752. to whom could she say that yes,
    she too was in love?
  753. To the man whose real
    name she didn't know?
  754. To the man who was
    pointing a gun at her?
  755. And even had I said that...
    what good would it have done?
  756. The two of us can never be together.
  757. And what does it mean to be together?
  758. That we come and shake hands
    every month at the Wagah border?
  759. Or send song requests for
    one another on All India Radio?
  760. I'm ISI... you're RAW.
  761. We are enemies.
  762. Our duty won't let us be together.
  763. Our people won't let us be together.
  764. You know they'll come after us.
  765. Yes, Captain Abrar...
  766. I'm coming there...
  767. Yes, sure... fine.
  768. The sky
  769. Yours and mine
  770. Like our dreams
  771. Has turned to smoke
  772. The sky
  773. Yours and mine
  774. Like we breathe
  775. Has turned to dust
  776. Wherever you go
  777. You will find me too
  778. I am now a part of you
  779. I am a Ionely planet
  780. You are a Ionely planet
  781. Let us come together
  782. Beyond the world of stars
  783. I am a Ionely planet
  784. You are a Ionely planet
  785. Let us come together
  786. Beyond the world of stars
  787. You caved me
  788. You carved me
  789. Because of you
  790. I believe in me
  791. You are not here
  792. And that be true
  793. But if I'm here
  794. You are here too
  795. Wherever you go
  796. You will find me too
  797. I am now a part of you
  798. I am a Ionely planet
  799. You are a Ionely planet
  800. Let us come together
  801. Beyond the world of stars
  802. I am a Ionely planet
  803. You are a Ionely planet
  804. Let us come together
  805. Beyond the world of stars
  806. Hi... where have you been?
  807. Thank you, Sir.
  808. You were gone all evening.
  809. I was following a lead, Sir.
  810. Relax.
  811. Can I please have the
    pleasure of this dance?
  812. I'm sorry but it's not
    correct for me to...
  813. What the hell is Tiger doing?
  814. This is a peace conference...
  815. diplomats from all over the
    world are dancing with each other.
  816. Why are Indian and Pakistani
    diplomats stuck in their corners?
  817. This is not our protocol... I'm sorry.
  818. If you don't mind...
  819. Thank you.
  820. What the hell do you
    think you are doing?
  821. Zoya... you were right...
  822. the world will never
    let us be together...
  823. so let's create our own world...
  824. let's run away, Zoya.
  825. You have gone mad...
    don't talk nonsense.
  826. God alone knows how long our two
    countries will keep fighting...
  827. we cannot wait for them endlessly.
  828. And it might be a little
    difficult to run when we're old.
  829. What happens to our
    lives after this music ends...
  830. ...is all in your hands, Zoya.
  831. Tiger...
  832. Tiger...
  833. hurry up... we have
    to go to the airport!
  834. Hello... Zoya, are you there?
  835. We're getting late for the airport.
  836. Please hurry and come down.
  837. Sir, we can't get through to
    Tiger's phone. He's out of reach...
  838. Sir... I think he's been
    kidnapped by the Pakistanis.
  839. Kidnapped! Nonsense!
  840. He's too good for them.
  841. Listen... this news
    should not get out.
  842. Okay, Sir.
  843. Gopi, where have you been?
  844. Take the next flight
    from London and get here.
  845. Which bank has he
    withdrawn the money from?
  846. How much?
  847. Sir... a total of 47
    thousand dollars, Sir...
  848. 47 thousand dollars?
  849. Sir... about 2.3 million Rupees.
  850. Should be 2.3 million...
  851. the day I retire...
    I'll blow it all up.
  852. Tiger has not been kidnapped!
  853. Do you have any idea...
  854. how much classified information
    Tiger has about our organisation?
  855. If anyone gets hold
    of that information...
  856. it will compromise the security
    of our agents all over the world.
  857. Sir... I don't know exactly
    where Tiger is or what he's up to...
  858. but he will never give away that kind
    of information whilst he's alive...
  859. I'm certain about that.
  860. Sir...
  861. we just heard that...
  862. a Pakistani delegate is also
    missing since this morning.
  863. What?
  864. Zoya?
  865. This is the address of the hotel.
  866. Okay.
  867. This hotel belongs to his friend.
  868. He'll help us book the
    tickets for tomorrow.
  869. How long will you take?
  870. Might take a long... maybe
    all night... you take care.
  871. Sir... this is Zoya.
  872. Gopi... do you know how many
    countries are there in the world?
  873. Sir?
  874. There are 201
    countries in the world...
  875. and bloody Tiger could find
    a girl only from Pakistan?
  876. Captain Abrar... why
    have you called me here?
  877. Meeting like this can
    derail the whole plan.
  878. Because I'm worried about you...
  879. he is an extremely dangerous agent.
  880. I am fine... but you will all
    have to be a little more patient.
  881. It's not that easy to trick him.
  882. What you're saying is right...
  883. but we must know what you are
    up to and where exactly are you?
  884. He does not suspect me at all...
  885. but to get him to
    you here is too risky.
  886. I'll get him to you, but not here...
  887. there are too many Indians here...
    Iooking for him.
  888. I'll bring him to the
    airport in a little while.
  889. We'll catch the 10:30
    flight to Kazakhstan.
  890. This is my disguise.
  891. He'll be with me in disguise as well.
  892. You can take our
    picture at the airport
  893. and send it to your
    Kazakhstan station.
  894. After that... he's all yours.
  895. Take care of yourself...
  896. Oh, my God!
  897. For a second I
    couldn't recognise you...
  898. But I clearly recognised you.
  899. Tickets done...
    Passports done. Ready to go.
  900. Listen to me carefully...
    there on the right...
  901. there's a man in a black jacket with
    a red suitcase who's having coffee...
  902. he's an ISI agent.
  903. There at the luggage counter...
  904. the guy with the camera...
  905. behind him the man on the phone...
  906. he's ISI as well.
  907. Come with me... our
    flight has been announced.
  908. But our flight still
    has an hour to go.
  909. We're not going to Kazakhstan.
  910. Then where are we going?
  911. Let's see. Come quickly.
  912. You knew all along?
  913. I was an agent
    before I became a lover.
  914. But I had to do this because of
    your drama at the ballroom that day...
  915. Captain Abrar saw you and said...
  916. this prey has
    happily walked to a trap.
  917. And right then... he
    made a plan to get you.
  918. But if you saw me
    with Captain Abrar...
  919. then why did you come
    to the airport with me?
  920. Zoya... all my life
    I've used only my head...
  921. for once I followed my heart...
  922. I just wanted to see where
    this decision would take me.
  923. I'm amused at the thought of
    what will happen in Kazakhstan now.
  924. Seen anyone like her?
  925. See there... in that car.
  926. They look like bloody Indians.
  927. Pakistani goons...
  928. Captain Abrar...
  929. Gopi, Sir...
  930. Sir... it's been close to four hours
    since the Istanbul flight landed...
  931. and no one has shown up.
  932. Alright...
  933. Sir... the information
    about Kazakhstan was wrong.
  934. No one arrived there today.
  935. There were two other big
    flights that left Istanbul yesterday.
  936. One to London and
    the other to Frankfurt.
  937. Then find out from there how
    many other flights departed...
  938. Sir... there are 623 flights at London
  939. and 612 flights at Frankfurt
    scheduled to take off today...
  940. total number of passengers 825,802...
  941. and those two could be traveling
    on a passport of any nationality...
  942. I don't care...
  943. keep searching... we
    have to find them.
  944. Sir... my point is...
  945. if Tiger has decided... then it
    will be very difficult to find him.
  946. We have created Tiger!
  947. RAW was functioning before him...
  948. and will continue even after him.
  949. Gopi...
  950. the amount of information that
    Tiger has about our organization...
  951. before ISI gets to that information...
  952. we have to find
    Tiger and bring him back.
  953. And... if he doesn't want to return?
  954. Then I'm sure you
    know what we must do...
  955. Just remember...
  956. no one should be able
    to identify his body.
  957. Keep your eyes closed
  958. And count slowly
  959. Find me for I don't know where I am
  960. Forgotten are our tales
  961. We are strangers to our own land
  962. See how we have turned into thin air
  963. Close to the heart
  964. Under the sheet of dreams
  965. Is this lost world
  966. Of ours
  967. I am lost
  968. You are lost
  969. All our senses
  970. Are all lost
  971. Yes this is my wish
  972. To think of only you
  973. The glow that emanates from you
  974. Will remain captured in my dreams
  975. When did morning fall asleep?
  976. When did the stars awaken?
  977. We have forgotten
  978. what happens when
  979. I am lost
  980. You are lost
  981. All our senses
  982. Are all lost
  983. Yes I was breathing
  984. But I was never alive
  985. When I gave my heart away to you
  986. I realized what a heartbeat was
  987. Immersed in you
  988. Lost in you
  989. Away from you
  990. Where do I go?
  991. I am lost
  992. You are lost
  993. All our senses
  994. Are all lost
  995. What does it mean?
  996. Sane love...
  997. is no love.
  998. Wow!
  999. Give me your money!
  1000. Give me your money!
  1001. Give me your money!
  1002. Zoya... let's get out of here.
  1003. Zoya... let's get out of here.
  1004. What language is it?
  1005. Is it Arabic?
  1006. No, not Arabic... sounds like...
    Hindi or Bengali...
  1007. Spoken in India... Pakistan...
  1008. Bangladesh... Afghanistan...
  1009. Dayal... Why have you sent me this?
  1010. Don't send me Embassy correspondence.
  1011. You should be able to
    handle this at your level.
  1012. My brains get fried
    with all this nonsense...
  1013. and especially when
    I'm ready to go home...
  1014. Which embassy?
  1015. Havana, Sir... Cuba.
  1016. Honeymoon's over... Tiger.
  1017. We're being watched.
  1018. Eleven o' clock.
  1019. You are right... we are being watched.
  1020. Can you please come
    back in 20 minutes?
  1021. Yes, Zoya?
  1022. They are saying that they
    need the manager's authorisation
  1023. for such a big amount...
    and he's not there...
  1024. right now they can only
    give half of that amount.
  1025. Okay... get that for now.
  1026. The manager will be back in 20
    minutes... this is all I could get.
  1027. I will get a car with the money...
  1028. you withdraw the rest of
    the money from the bank...
  1029. don't worry... we'll be
    out of here by evening.
  1030. Police please?
  1031. Stop now... you've run enough.
  1032. Zoya... look what I found...
  1033. Willy's jeep... the same '52 model.
  1034. Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean
    to remind you of your father.
  1035. What happened?
  1036. It's over...
  1037. They were waiting for you...
  1038. we have to go and sit in that car.
  1039. Tiger, don't try anything here...
  1040. I know... they will kill
    us here if they have to.
  1041. Come...
  1042. No!
  1043. Follow them... fast!
  1044. Hurry up!
  1045. Come on.
  1046. Hey, stop.
  1047. Wait... wait.
  1048. Thank you.
  1049. Tiger... Tiger, come on! Fast!
  1050. Stop it, Zoya!
  1051. Enough!
  1052. What is it that they
    have and we don't?
  1053. Five minutes are more than enough...
  1054. I don't care... If you have
    to shoot him... then do it
  1055. I'll call you back.
  1056. So, Gopi... you want me to be shot?
  1057. You deserve to be shot.
  1058. What have I done?
    - What have you done?
  1059. Tiger, do you know how many
    countries there are in the world?
  1060. 201 countries... there are
    201 countries and you...
  1061. 203... after Kosovo
    separated from Serbia.
  1062. Okay...
  1063. 203 countries and you...
  1064. No... 204...
  1065. because Montenegro also
    separated from Serbia.
  1066. I don't care whether there
    are 203 or 204 countries!
  1067. How can you elope with a Pakistani?
  1068. Gopi... do you know how much
    information Zoya can provide us?
  1069. Do you have any idea?
  1070. Zoya is ready to
    come to India with us.
  1071. Really?
  1072. Then where is she?
  1073. Call her... let's leave.
  1074. For that I'll need you and your boys.
  1075. Why? You just told
    me that she's ready.
  1076. Yes but those people
    who she is with right now
  1077. won't let her come
    to India that easily.
  1078. Who are they?
  1079. Our friends...
  1080. So let me get this straight...
  1081. you want us to
    attack the ISI in Cuba...
  1082. why... to kidnap a girl?
  1083. Girl?
  1084. The same girl was your
    sister-in-law in Dublin...
  1085. when you found out
    she was a Pakistani...
  1086. you demoted her from
    sister-in-law to just a girl?
  1087. Gopi... they are flying her to
    Pakistan tomorrow morning...
  1088. Hey caveman...
  1089. whatever needs to be done,
    should be done now.
  1090. What will Shenoy Sir say?
  1091. Tiger... Tiger... Tiger...
  1092. What the hell is Tiger doing?
  1093. That's the plan...
    Tokas, you will be here.
  1094. Sir...
    - Bablu... you'll be at this point...
  1095. Ok, Sir - Jassi, you
    will block them from here.
  1096. Tiger... take this.
    - Thanks, Gopi...
  1097. You, caveman... you got an
    entire army just to catch me?
  1098. Sir... don't forget we
    came here to catch that man
  1099. from whom we learnt everything.
  1100. One last time... you'll be here.
    - Yes, sir.
  1101. Tomorrow morning sharp at eight.
  1102. Our flight will take
    off in two hours...
  1103. don't try anything
    strange at the airport.
  1104. Nothing is more precious
    in the world for a woman...
  1105. than her honour and dignity.
  1106. And that Indian friend of yours...
  1107. he left you alone and
    disappeared really fast?
  1108. Come on, come on!
  1109. Come on, come on! Go, go!
  1110. Hurry! Follow them, quick!
  1111. You rascal... God made
    you and broke that mould!
  1112. Sister-in-law!
  1113. Turn around! Now!
  1114. Turn left!
  1115. Come on, go go! Airpark!
  1116. Come on! Move fast!
  1117. Stop! Stop there!
  1118. I will make it...
    don't worry about me...
  1119. don't stop the plane for anything...
  1120. we'll get just this
    one chance for take off!
  1121. Go, go, go!
  1122. Cut them off!
  1123. Hey, pilot... fly me to a safe place.
  1124. Hello...
  1125. Hello?
  1126. Shenoy Sir...
  1127. Speak up... Avinash Singh Rathore.
  1128. You've called me by my real
    name for the very first time...
  1129. You've shown your true
    colours for the first time...
  1130. No, Sir... for the first time in
    my life I truly followed my heart.
  1131. You forgot your duty.
  1132. No, Sir... I never forget my duty...
  1133. I remember my duty... my training...
  1134. but I also understand that beyond
    them Tiger is a human being too...
  1135. You yourself said once...
    it's not easy to live with regrets.
  1136. To love your enemy is treachery...
  1137. Sir... when I was falling in love...
    no one told me she was the enemy...
  1138. and when I fell in love... I couldn't
    understand why she was the enemy.
  1139. Tiger...
    - Sir...
  1140. How long will you keep running away?
  1141. Sir... the day India and
    Pakistan don't need RAW and ISI...
  1142. that day we will come back.
  1143. Good luck.
  1144. Shenoy Sir
  1145. Agent Tiger and Agent Zoya
    have been listed as 'missing'...
  1146. in the files of RAW and ISI.
  1147. But reports of them being seen...
  1148. have been reported
    from all over the world.
  1149. However, it's impossible to say if
    they were actually Tiger and Zoya.
  1150. RAW and ISI have been
    searching for them all over the world.
  1151. For the first time in their history...
  1152. these rival agencies have
    worked together on a mission.
  1153. Whichever corner of the world
    Tiger and Zoya might be in...
  1154. they must be smiling
    upon hearing this news.