Buku Sejarah Indonesia

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Preview — Sejarah Indonesia Modern by M.C. Ricklefs

Penekanan seluruh isi buku ini adalah pada sejarah rakyat Indonesia. Baik cerita sejarah politik maupun permasalahan sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi dibahas di dalamnya.
Bab kepustakaan dimasukkan untuk memudahkan para pembaca menemukan hasil-hasil karya ilmiah yang paling mutakhir dalam masalah ini.
Published 2005 by Gadjah Mada University Press (first published 1981)
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dan memang banyak sejarah yang terlihat diplesetkan dalam buku ini.
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Aug 21, 2014Keith rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Very informative book. Hard to get into at first when you don't know the subject at all. Lots of unfamiliar place names, all maps tucked at the back but would have been helpful in the chapters where mentioned. Subheadings would have also made the text easier to read and navigate. That said, Ricklefs is a real expert and warns you the reader at the beginning that his preference in history writing is less for interpretation and generalization, to go into the detail and cite the evidence to let you...more
Aug 14, 2007Kris Wijoyo rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Hikayat...' konon dalam sebuah hadist Nabi Muhammad di daerah timur yang bernama samudera akan banyak melahir orang2 suci, maka bergeraklah orang2 arab ke Indonesia' itu adalah salah satu bagian dari buku ini yang mengesankan buat gw...ternyata negeri gw punya banyak misteri...hidup Indonesia, sayang yang nulis orang australia, ayo penulis Indonesia, tulislah sejarah kita.
Oct 04, 2012Thedore Yossia rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
this book is good, now, i'm in chapter 19..
this book tell us about the secret of indonesia history.
even indonesian maybe doesn't know about that secret..
good job, sir M.C.Ricklefs
May 10, 2018Anjar Priandoyo rated it it was amazing
This book is 800 years of Indonesian history, written in 2001. Each chapter detailing the century of changes that happen in the archipelago. I read it as fast as possible because I want to read the happy ending of this story. Unfortunately, this is not a novel, M.C. Ricklefs write carefully the things that a lot of Indonesian does not want to hear. A tragic story.
I read this book after reading Islamic States in Java's H.J. de Graaf and Peter Carey's Diponegoro. I should read Vicker's Modern Indo
Jan 22, 2017Afif Syaiful z m rated it really liked it
Good start for those who haven't been to Indonesia, or just want to know the history of Indonesia. As many people said, this book doesn't have detailed information but good enough as the author always find the information from written source.
Mar 27, 2018Airlangga Auvijan rated it it was amazing
Sep 07, 2015So Hakim rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Complementing yesterday's review, another book about history of the country. Or should I say, region, because the country 'Indonesia' didn't really exist back then. :P
Ricklefs' book is historical treatise with emphasis on cultural factors. As native Indonesian, I'm already familiar with his long list of wars, trades, and shifting alliances -- those were in our schoolbooks -- but the way he illuminates the religious/traditional context is eye-opening.
Some interesting examples:
- While Islam was in
May 12, 2009htanzil rated it really liked it · review of another edition
MASUKNYA Islam di bumi Nusantara mengawali suatu rentangan waktu yang disebut Ricklefs sebagai Indonesia Modern . Ia mengajukan tiga unsur fundamental yang menurutnya telah mempersatukan periode tersebut sebagai 'sebuah unit sejarah yang padu'.
Yang pertama adalah unsur kebudayaan dan agama: Islamisasi Indonesia yang dimulai tahun 1200 dan berlanjut hingga hari ini. Yang kedua adalah unsur topik: saling pengaruh antara orang Indonesia dan orang Barat yang dimulai tahun 1500 dan masih berlanjut. Y
Feb 10, 2012Missy J rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: 2012-books, indonesia-related, southeast-asia, asia-related
Finally I finished reading this book.
It was challenging. From now on I will stick to historical fictions rather than history books. The latter tend to be so serious and a bit boring...
This might be one of the few detailed and precise books about Indonesian History. It gave me a very good overview concerning Indonesian politics. That's the problem. I'm not just interested in politics and economy, I want to know How people lived back then. This book didn't give me any cultural information.
The book
Oct 29, 2011Mila Said rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This book is different than the history of Indonesia teach at my school. I find this book quite interesting with not too much detail but it made me understood about the events happening and the persons involved.
The author described about how the Indonesians struggle to reach independence comprehensively and what was made the foundation of the nation by that time. Even though it was not written by Indonesians, reading how this multicultural country fight for unity and democracy could encourage t
May 31, 2009Ben rated it liked it · review of another edition
After having made my way through this dense history over the last several months, I can now safely say I have a much better understanding of the major events in Indonesian history (from 1200 through the late 1990s, anyway, shortly after which the edition I read was published). I'm partial toward people's histories, which this most definitely is not, but as Ricklefs points out, some of the biases in the book's focus (towards Java and Sumatra over the outer islands and, generally speaking, the pol...more
Dec 28, 2015Leonardo marked it as to-keep-ref · review of another edition
En gran medida las compañías capitalistas fueron soberanas al operar en los territorios coloniales o precoloniales, estableciendo su propio monopolio de la fuerza, su propia policía, sus propias cortes. La Dutch East India Company, por ejemplo, gobernó los territorios que explotaba en Java hasta el final del siglo dieciocho con sus propias estructuras de soberanía. Incluso tras la disolución de la compañía en 1800, el capital gobernó relativamente libre del control o la mediación del Estado.
Jan 21, 2008anis Ahmad rated it really liked it · review of another edition
menarik, komprehensif, kajiannya dimulai ketika islam berkembang sebagai kerajaan di aceh, kemudian menceritakan tentang upaya-upaya dalam memperebutkan hegemoni yang dilakukan di jawa, selain itu ada pula kajian tentang indonesia timu, berdiri dan berekembangnya voc, dan berbagai peristiwa dalam sejarah indonesia modern. buku ini ditutup dengan sebuah analisis walaupun masih bersifat sangat awal tentang pemilihan presiden di indonesia pada tahun 2004. sungguh membuka mata kita tentang sebuah re...more
Nov 29, 2013Arif rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Sejarah singkat, padat, informatif, dengan beberapa pendapat subyektif namun fakta obyektif tetap banyak tersedia untuk banyak hal yang kontrovesial. Informasi 1200 hingga masa kolonialisme meski sangat singkat tapi juga cukup menggugah untuk mencari informasi lebih lanjut. Saya ingin baca pemutakhiran buku ini.
Oct 31, 2009Luqman rimadi rated it did not like it · review of another edition
lagi baca mengenai Islam Untuk pertama kali masuk kedalam Indonesia.,.,.,
menarik...ternyata ada banyak teori yang menjelaskan masuknya Islam di Indonesia,.,.
dan ternyata teori2 tersebut bukan hanya di buat oleh para ahli dari Indonesia Saja,.tapi juga para indonesianis- indonesianis dari negara- negara barat,,
Dec 04, 2008Luna rated it liked it · review of another edition
Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghargai jasa pahlawannya
Jadi, kenapa tidak kita mulai dari diri kita, untuk membuat Indonesia berjaya?
Belajarlah dari sejarah. Supaya kesalahan di masa lalu tidak terulang
eniwe, buku ini cocok bgt buat pengisi waktu luang. Daripada nonton infoTAInment gak jelas?!
Feb 21, 2011Arifa Jauhari rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Buku yang tepat untuk mengenal sejarah modern bangsa kita secara global. Bahasanya oke. Analisisnya tajam. Tapi yang paling menarik adalah komentar-komentar ringan Ricklefs tentang sejarah bangsa Indonesia yang tersebar acak di dalam halaman-halaman buku.
Mar 11, 2013Freddy rated it really liked it · review of another edition
not quite complete, yet comprehensive..
a very Pram's centered-point-of-view
May 10, 2015Kurniawan Purwanto rated it it was amazing
Gives a comprehensive yet brief timeline of what happened in Indonesia, from 1200 to the beginning of New Order administration.
Oct 29, 2008Abel rated it it was ok · review of another edition
this book tell about the on the future will come one man to change this world
very good
Sep 21, 2014Tia Septyani rated it liked it · review of another edition
buku ini sangat menguntung bagi kami sebagai sebuah referensi untuk membuat tugas sejarah
Dec 28, 2012Appridzani rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Jul 13, 2008Bunga Mawar marked it as to-read · review of another edition
Akhirnya... benar2 akan dibaca, setelah saya membelinya sendiri berkat diskon 40%, tidak hanya berharap meminjamnya untuk jangka panjang dari perpus sekolah (^o^)/
Mar 18, 2015Agata* Agata* rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Feb 26, 2008Innosanto rated it liked it · review of another edition
Bagus, tapi agak terlalu banyak informasi dalam janka sinkat. Mungkin seharusnya di expansi menjadi lima buku.
Jul 22, 2007Lutfi Retno rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Buku wajib anak sejarah. dulu nyarinya susah banget. untuk orang-orang yang pengen tahu sejarah indonesia.
Nov 28, 2015Luthfian Haekal rated it it was amazing
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