Download Microsoft Hyperterminal Windows 8

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I need to do some communication between 8051 micro-controller and PC . There used to be a hyper terminal for this purpose in windows XP. I m using windows 8 now. So can anyone suggest me some equivalent of hyper terminal in windows 8 for the purpose of serial comm. between micro-controller and PC.

Rehan AbbasiRehan Abbasi

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7 Answers


PuTTY, surprisingly enough, can act as a full-featured serial terminal. It supports full-blown VT-102/VT-80 command codes too.

There is Termite, which is a very nice, no-installation 200K exe:

Parallax also has a nice serial terminal.

Connor WolfConnor Wolf

HTerm is a gem!
I highly recommend you give it a try. While not being a pure terminal, it supports some nice features like (optional) concurrent display of Ascii, Hex, Dec and Bin. Its very straightforward to use and consists of a single exe file without any special dependencies.

I've used this on WinXP and Win7 without problems.


I'll just add TeraTerm in and hTerm in case you're really going low-level, but mainly I use PuTTY.

Tom L.Tom L.

I use ScriptCommunicator. It has many features and a very useful script interface:

main window:

example script GUI:

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I like Terminal. It has a very easy to use interface, macro capability, and quick graphing tools.

Scott SeidmanScott Seidman

I generally use RealTerm. However I have had problems sometimes with it locking up in Windows 7, particularly with virtual COM ports like USB.

So I got a copy of HyperTerminal Private Edition, by Hilgraeve Inc. which is the company that wrote the original HyperTerminal for Microsoft. They indicate it works with Windows 7, 8, and Vista. As others have said, it isn't that great a terminal program but it was able to connect to a virtual COM port in Windows 7 on a development board that RealTerm was unable to.


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From Hilgraeve:
HyperTerminal Private Edition is a terminal emulation program that supports communications over TCP/IP networks, Dial-Up Modems, and serial COM ports.
Some uses of HyperTerminal Private Edition: Use a TCP/IP network to connect to systems on the Internet or your network using Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH); Use a Dial-Up modem to dial into modem based systems; Talk directly to many different types of devices using serial COM ports; Define key macros, save keystrokes, or adapt to host systems that require special keys or command sequences; Assign passwords, user ID's and host commands to a single key; Select terminal screen size and colors to take advantage of host systems that let you adjust the number or rows and columns displayed; Set the program to automatically exit after you log out. Use pass-through printing to allow host systems to print directly to the users printer; Zmodem crash recovery; TCP/IP support for accessing telnet sites on the Internet; Auto-redial busy telephone numbers; Conduct multiple simultaneous telnet sessions; Set HTPE as your default telnet client. Terminal Emulators: ANSI; ANSIW; Minitel; ViewData; VT100, VT100J, VT52, VT220, and VT320.
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